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Best Love Status For Whatsapp for Lovers

WhatsApp is one of the largest chatting platform for mobile users for sending text messages and making calls. Today I am sharing the Short Status for Whatsapp about Love for all lovers and you can use these Whatsapp Status Love to send to your girlfriend or boyfriend. And You should must check Urdu Love Poetry on my another blog.

short status for whatsapp about love

If you are married or you love someone and can't say I Love You to your lover then You can use these best Whatsapp Love Status to express your love and respect toward your lover.


Whatsapp Love Status Messages

I lost my Heart Can Any body See…??
My love for you is a journey,  that starts at forever and ends at never in Life...

 Love is that which can makes you smile when you’re tired..!!

If you truly love someone, then the only thing you want do for them is to be happy….even if you are not with him..
love status messages

I’m in love with you ,and nobody stop loving you…
Time goes by a very slower when you miss the someone who love you.

Love is master key of opening a gate of happiness…

Love is not about how much u say “i love you” but how much u can prove that it’s true.

The best feeling is when you look at the one you love and they’re already looking at You.

Someone asked me How’s life? I just smiled & replied, She’s fine ..

Short Status for Whatsapp about Love

“There are only 2 times that I want to be with you… Now and Forever.”

“Thinking of u is easy, I do it every day. Missing u is the heartache that never goes away.”

A man in love is incomplete until he is married with her love. Then he’s finished.

Love is the only thing that  control every single emotion you have.

Love never fails and when it fails in life, then its not love!

When You Are Crying.!! Think About Her And You Smile..

“Don’t TRUST 2 much , don’t LOVE too much , don’t CARE too much because that ‘ TOO MUCH ‘ will HURT u so much”

“The TRUTH hurts only once but a LIE hurts every time u remember it!”

“Behind every successful man is a surprised woman”

Love Whatsapp Status for Girlfriend

“I want to be in your arms, where you hold me tight and never let me go.”

“Every moment I spent with you.. is like beautiful dream come true.”

“I don’t like waiting, I’m so impatient. But I’ll wait forever, as long as I end up with u.”

“There’s only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you – I Love You.”
Love Whatsapp Status for Her
Love Whatsapp Status for
“Everyone says u fall in love only ones, but i fall daily with the same person. “

I will always love you, no matter what happens.💕

I luv❤️u easy to write 💛hard to say😢

Love is not about how much you say “i love you” but how much you can prove that it’s true.

All i want and all i need is only you!💖💋

I will wait for you honestly because i don’t want any one

So, In this article I shared Best Love Status For Whatsapp for Lovers which also includes love status messages, love status for whatsapp and short status for whatsapp about love and I hope you guys liked these status. Stay tuned and have a happy life.
